The View Camera

This page contains information for everybody that needs an introduction to the view camera. Well seasoned photographers most likely already know most of the information listed here. However, when being new to View Cameras, or just when you want to learn more about this subject, we expect this content will be helpfull as a starting point.

Cambo always strives for the highest quality possible for our technical cameras. However, at the same time we also have a history of making photography accessible for photographers that just started off with using view cameras. Some prime examples are the Cambo Cadet and Cambo Explorer 4x5 camera's, they even came with a booklet to help the beginner starting off with 4x5 photography! This page is motivated by that similar idea. Providing information about technical/view cameras to make this type of photography more accessible. In recent years, we've already released various online sources  that provide information about using technical/view cameras. This page simply put all these sources together for an easy overview. 

The View Camera Movement 

The View Camera Movement introduces you to the world of technical view cameras in six short episodes. 

Here several topics are being discussed:

  • General use of the viewcamera and applying the scheimpflug technique 
  • Using the view camera in the studio
  • Using the view camera for macro photography
  • Using the viewcamera for architectural- and landscape photography
  • Stitching of images
  • Applying camera movements in videography

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Using the View Camera


The above mini-series of the view camera movements gives you an insight on what you can achieve with a view camera. The content on this page delves deeper in how you can achieve certain results with camera movements. Everything in a step by step approach. 


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