
On this page you can navigate through all the available downloads, such as manuals, brochures and more. For current Cambo products as well as downloads for products from Cambo's almost 80 year long legacy 


Wide RS Series



Manuals, Brochures and other downloads such as datasheets belonging to the Wide RS series Line of camera's and lenses. 


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Actus series 



Manuals, Brochures and other downloads such as datasheets belonging to the Wide RS series Line of camera's and lenses. 


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Studio Gear



Manuals, brochures and other downloads belonging to Cambo Studio Stands, Photography Gear and it's accessories.  


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Repro Archival Solutions


Manuals, brochures and other downloads belonging to Cambo's  Repro/Archival solutions and it's accessories.  


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Video Products


Manuals, brochures and other downloads belonging to Cambo's video solutions and it's accessories. 


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Legacy/Discontinued products


Manuals, brochures and other downloads belonging to Cambo's legacy. We are aware that a lot of products produced in the history of Cambo are still being used. Here you can find all the downloads and documentation still available for these products. 


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