

The WRX-23 Lenspanel is dedicated to the use with IQ4 Digital Backs and has a Rodenstock 5,6/23 HR Digaron-S lens with Phase One X-Shutter mounted in a helical focussing mount.

Product details
  • Shortest focus distance to object: 0,2 mtr
  • Image circle of lens at f/11: 70mm
Optical Movements
CCD size 37x37mm11/11 mm
CCD size 33x44mm11/ 9 mm
CCD size 36x48mm8/ 6 mm
CCD size 37x49mm 7/ 5 mm
CCD size 40x54mm2/1 mm
CCD size 56x36mm 3/ 2 mm
Camera Movements
WDS34 / 26 / 20 / 20mm
WRS 500025 / 15 / 20 / 20mm
WRS 160020 / 20 / 20 / 20mm
Technical details 
Aperture control Controlled by IQ4 depending on lens
Shutter SpeedFrom 1/1000 s to 60 min
Cable connectionTo PhaseOne IQ 4 back
Cable length 50cm (80cm optional)
Power supplyNo external powersupply needed