Wide RS Series
Cambo's Wide RS technical cameras are the ideal photographic tools for the landscape, interior and architectural photographers needing less space for their equipment. The RS is small and light, still offering combined vertical and horizontal movements. Geared movements allow for perspective control as well as stitching for wider views or even greater file sizes.
Both directions use accelerated gears for fast yet precise movements, both movements shift the image plane on the rearstandard, leaving the lens position untouched. Next to the body's shift possibilities, Cambo offers lensboards with Tilt-Swing options for many of the popular focal lengths, in order to increase depth of field or create selective sharpness.
The RS series have been designed for digital photography with high-end digital backs and feature the best of Rodenstock's HR Digaron series, as well as a choice for retrofitting some of the Schneider Digitar lenses. Interface plates are available for backs that have a mount for either PhaseOne/Mamiya 645 DF/XF/IQ, Hasselblad-V, -H, or Contax 645 and Leaf AFi / Sinar HY6 digital backs.

WRS series Cameras
The architecture and landscape photographer's ideal companion. Cambo's portable yet versatile technical cameras

WRS Lenspanels
For Cambo WRS and PhaseOne XT cameras

WRS series accessories
Accessories for Cambo WRS and Phase One XT technical cameras