Wide DS Cameras

Cambo's Wide DS series has now been discontinued for new deliveries. Some listed products underneath are still available as additional parts, such as digital lens panels, interface option for digital backs, ground glass and viewing options.

All lens panels available for the WRS series are compatible with the WideDS series in combination with a digital back interface.

Go to WRS Lenspanels 

Note: the original 4x5" (rotating) ground glass backs were in a different focal plane in combination with the Schneider Super Angulon lenses.

If you have an analog WideDS and want to convert to a digital setup, you can use the lens panels with digital lenses only in combination with the interface adapters WDS-611(Hass-V), WDS-612 (Hass-H), WDS-614 (PhaseOne-Mamiya), WDS-617 (Contax645) or WDS-618 (Leaf Afi/HY6).

If you have an analog WideDS and want to use a digital back in combination with the original analog lenses and ground glass back, you may use a graflock interface plate, such as WDS-506 (Hass-V), WDS-507 (Hass-H), WDS-509 (PhaseOne-Mamiya), which bring the digital back in the exact original focal plane matching the ground glass.